
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Xplorader Merlot Magnificent

I have a new favorite Merlot, Xplorader. They say the Merlot is a “gateway wine” what I mean is when you first start drinking wines you usually aquire a taste for the sweet wines like a Zinfandel and then after a little more courage you might move on to a dry White wine like a Sauvignon blanc and then finally you may try crossing over to a red and the first stop on the red wine bus is usually Merlot because of it’s fruity and pleasurable palette appeal. Well I have been around the Merlot block a few times and haven’t crossed this $4.92 Cashwise beauty before. What makes it different and appealing is its spices. It is not just the normal Merlot mix of grapes it has some pizzazz as it journeys down your throat and makes the heart merry. We enjoyed this wine with Amy’s crockpot chicken taco’s it was very, very yummy.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crane Lake Malbec

I know how easy it is to look at a plane labeled, cheap wine like a Crane Lake in our favorite liquor store and just pass it by knowing it won't satisfy our flavor picky wine pallet but believe you me the Crane Lake Malbec is not that kind of a wine. I love how it seems to go with any meal and it is a great night cap wine. Granted, it won't knock you down and cause a come to Louis Pasteur meeting but it is fun and usually around $3.00. 6 out of 10 on the yummy scale.

Up Jacob's Creek and you can keep the paddle!

Sometimes I can't decide what I want and that is a perfect time for a Shiraz/Cabernet blend. This $4.97 wine is so good I swear the manager at Cashwise liquor must be buying this on the black market at a reduced price. This is a medium bodied, Australian wine that went great with our homemade pizza. Jacob's Creek Shiraz/Cabernet is perfect to enjoy with friends or to enjoy by yourself on the back deck with your sweety. Yummy
7 out of 10